Nerve & Muscle Fitness

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Breathing And Overcoming Isometrics

  1. Intro

  2. Overcoming Isometrics & Breathing Video

  3. A Breath Of Fresh Air

  4. Ramp/ Up Generate/ Ramp Down & Rest

  5. Wrap Up


“Later. Now is the time to breathe. Go Ahead.”

The boy inhaled thinly, exhaled an asthmatic wheeze, then coughed. 

“Tsk, tsk… terrible. You cheat yourself, little friend. The air is free. Look like this.” Volanko sucked in air through his nose while bringing his hands together over his head. Then he exhaled through his mouth and pumped his arms, working his lungs like bellows. “Breathing is life, Yousselle. Without air, the fire dies. Now try again.” (7 Spielman, The Spiritual Journey of Joseph Greenstein)

This quote is from one of my favorite biographies but it hammers home the importance of our breathing.

When it comes to exercise, how efficiently one breathes can determine not only how one performs during an exercise but also the benefits one gains from it. With overcoming isometrics(OCI) this is greatly emphasized in both areas.

Overcoming Isometrics & Breathing Video

A Breath Of Fresh Air

If you’re performing OCIs below the 12-second duration, breathing in fully and slowly exhaling while generating that force is something I’d highly recommend. Times in the past, when I realized that I wasn’t getting benefits from my OCIs, there were two things.

  • Lack of intensity

  • A lack of concentrated breathing

I would not be exhaling slowly or breathing in a slow and consistent manner. I kind of just let it go by the wayside while I was generating force. I can be somewhat lazy in my breathing during calisthenics but not here.

Ramp/ Up Generate/ Ramp Down & Rest

With all OCIs there will be a period in which as you’re increasing your intensity to the desired level, you breathe in slowly with enough air to last then you exert. Once you’re done, relax and slowly breathe back in. The ramp-up/down periods should be only a few seconds (2-3) and brief compared to the main time you’re using to generate force.

Between force generations, I tend to count using my breathing for my rest periods. The better your momentary recovery is between these the more force you can pour into your next phase. Eight to 10 slow and controlled breathing cycles are enough to give most people an adequate amount of rest. If you don’t want to do this then you can always use your stopwatch. But breathing slowly between force generations adds a nice relaxation element to your training.

Wrap Up

Every OCI workout will have a few things you need to focus on.

  • Time of Force Generation/Muscle Contraction

  • Intensity of Muscle Contraction

  • Joint Angle

  • & Breathing

If you do these well you will be on your way to becoming a super soldier or fighting crime as a vigilante…

Well, not quite but you will feel stronger and ready to take on the crazy psy-op days that are ahead of us.

Thank you for making it to the end and let me know your thoughts below.

Until next time…

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