Nerve & Muscle Fitness

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Calisthenics In The Sun

Hey Yall!!!!

“Oh gosh, he’s here to talk about overcoming isometrics again.”

Nope, something different.

“Oh, thank goodness.”

  1. Intro

  2. Paradigm Update

  3. The Sun

  4. Does Food Matter?

  5. Wrap Up


This older gentleman is not the only one whom I would put in the box of “Plant-Based Calisthenics” Many of these dudes look impressive and have been creating anomalies for my largely animal-based paradigm.

Special note: I’m plant-based most of the year for religious reasons but even during this time I still eat shrimp.

Sadly, I know if I changed my youtube channel to being within this niche of Plant-Based Calisthenics it would take off because being plant-based is something that is largely supported by our oligarch overloads hence it will get the boost in the algorithm.

I know that this diet has benefited many folks.

However, this is not my passion nor do I wish to put myself in a box and propagate a paradigm/narrative that could aid the globalists for whatever reason they’re trying to push it. I have no beef with plant-based folks(no pun intended) FYI.

I’ll actually throw a little shade at the other side. These hands rated “E” for everyone.

I’m part of the, “These Hands Industrial Complex”

Sorry…onto the point.

Paradigm Update

Back in the days when I was getting into the carnivore world, there would be these compilation videos of various nutrient-deficient vegans and poking fun at them.

Look at how sick they are they need a hamburger!!!

However, these gentlemen and ladies from the calisthenics community looked like the epitome of fitness. How could such a diet/paradigm benefit others while causing others to look ill(assuming they're doing it right)?

The Sun

Then it clicked for me. All the articles and videos I’ve been looking at like Jack Kruse and Roman from The Power Couple shined a light on the holes in my paradigm. That pun was intended!!!!

Our light environment makes all the difference.

These Plant-Based Calisthenics folks, most of them, are out in the sun throughout the day with their shirts off (the dudes I mean) catching rays from the sun.

Does Food Matter?

Well yes…but not as much as I originally thought. With this updated paradigm this doesn’t mean that I’m gonna go out and eat the most processed food I can find for the rest of my life. I will still prioritize whole foods, especially organic meats.

The anecdotes between both the carnivores and vegans saying that their diet has changed their lives can’t be ignored. Part of me thinks the main cause for their upgraded well-being is the elimination of processed food.

I still believe one can be more sustainable long term due to my own experience. But what’s also important is one’s family history not because of their genetics, but the history of their family’s nutrition.

Like the Pottenger’s cats study, the better the food the cats eat the more likely their offspring will be absolute units.

And the better the food we eat the more our offspring will become absolute units…an unstoppable force.

But food is just part of a larger puzzle. My focus for the future will shift toward ensuring my

  • Light environment

  • & Electromagnetic Environment

Are on point.

You can be the best Vegan or Carnivore that has ever existed. But if you’re inside bathing in blue-like and man-made frequencies the effects of these changes will be suppressed.

Therefore, just find an excuse to go outside and get some sunlight!!!

An Approach

Don’t just run outside all of a sudden with no clothes on during solar noon.

Due to a job I was working at one point I was slowly exposed to more and more sunlight. It was a concrete coatings job some days we’d be working inside a garage and the others we’d be working on a porch, patio, or pool deck.

During this time I began to slowly phase seed oils out of my diet as these can affect how our skin reacts to the sun as I’ve explained elsewhere. I also ditched sunscreen as well. The result is healthy skin and no sunburn.

Yes, I have gotten sunburned in the past. We can get sunburn.

It’s just like working out. Start small and then build up over time.

Wrap Up

I’ve never been one to heavily focus on my nutrition because I’ve always achieved success through other means. I got a compliment the other day and was asked what I was doing and if I was eating more protein. I said no. I was changing how I was performing the reps of my dynamic exercises. Food matters. But the stimulus matters more.

Thank You for making it to the end and let me know your thoughts below.

Until next time…

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