Nerve & Muscle Fitness

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Why I Believe Energy Expenditure Is An Important Concept In Exercise Programming


Exercise is a form of self-improvement. Self-improvement in exercises can take multiple forms whether that be running a greater distance, running that distance in a faster time, executing a difficult feat of strength, or performing some type of movement for a high number of repetitions. 

This increase in performance cannot occur on its own there needs to be some type of output. But with that output comes a momentary decrease in energy and an increase in exhaustion. After some period of time, the exhaustion disappears, and the energy returns which takes place during the recovery phase however long it takes. Once this recovery phase is over then you can return to your given choice of output and outperform your previous numbers. 

The best exercise modalities or approaches to your training schedule should get you through the recovery phase and onto out-performing your previous numbers at a faster rate while maintaining or, improving the pep in your step. 

Nothing Left In The Tank Type Training

Certainly, if you enjoy the type of training that leaves you feeling half-dead don’t let me stop you. 

For the individual this type of training…

  • Provides a good test for your upper limits and see how well you utilize mental toughness. 

  • It can also provide an avenue for someone to de-stress from work. 

  • And if your job centers around you having to go into the red( sweating, heavy breathing, etc) then using this type of training is useful. 

For groups, this can foster…

  • Better bonding through adversity

  • Test their cohesiveness as a unit

Energy Efficiency/Leaving A Rep In The Tank

But for myself and any readers that this resonates with and aren’t in the above, training that would increase our endurance, strength, or muscles should leave us ready to complete whatever tasks we have throughout the rest of the day or week. 

As our training is not part of our livelihood it should not negatively affect our ability… 

  • To earn cash

  • Solve complex problems 

  • Limit sickness

  • Love/serve our families

  • Love/serve our neighbors

If done correctly our training by improving our mind, vitality, and strength of movement will have a positive effect on all five. 

This is why I feel strongly about the way I train and how it can provide benefits for most people no matter their age. Progressive bodyweight training along with overcoming isometrics acting as the base and used correctly, will enable someone to build a healthy body without too much energy cost, time cost, or affecting grocery bills. 

I had plenty of time to carry out my ideas. In fact, I had nothing else to do. And one of the things I speedily discovered was that for many hours could this kind of physical stimulation be kept up. Instead of wasting energy, this, on the contrary, was retained. Which was fortunate for me, in more ways than one, when the position I was in is remembered. For I did not get too much to eat, I must tell you, and what I did get was not of the most nourishing nature. And so I continued for about three months, gradually recovering my lost development and adding appreciably to my depleted strength and energy. (p 116 Amazing Sampson) 

Alexander Zass(The Amazing Sampson) was a strongman performer from the early 20th century who specialized in steel bending and overcoming isometrics. The above quote is what I have experienced over the past few years of utilizing overcoming isometrics. For the energy, one puts in with overcoming isometrics the return on investment is much improved compared to other forms of training. Experimenting here and there I found ways to improve my alertness throughout the day using such methods.

Story Time 

I was fortunate (or unfortunate) enough to have my first station in the Marines in the Pacific. Here the operational tempo was high so there were very few periods in which you could twiddle your thumbs. Although being in an office environment as a POG(Person Other than a Grunt) each day felt like a chaotic mess. The focus and efficiency with which you started the day or week determined how many tasks you were able to complete. The mornings in which I could work out by myself were usually the best. Here, I could do some overcoming isometric work or bodyweight to the point that I stimulated the signal for strength increase or muscle growth and be on my way. 

“If after you exercise, your bath and your rub-down, you feel fit to battle for a kingdom, then your schedule is right. ” (p 150 Liedeman Secrets of Strength)

However, there were times when we had to conduct training as a unit. At the beginning of my time here and due to the leadership most unit training sessions began in a long drawn-out run. No matter what the weather was…

This is one form of exercise that although provide some benefits, takes more energy than it gives back. Affecting not only your concentration throughout the day but resistance against sickness. We always did these runs on a Friday and good thing it wasn’t on Monday because once our exercise sessions were over and I took a shower and came into the office…

Wrap Up 

For an occupation that requires you to be ready to, “Fight tonight” some training programs are better than others. But this is just one example but the pattern had been repeated throughout the rest of my time in the Corps and in civilian life. The exercises we do can significantly affect our energy and mood. Therefore it's important to choose the right one. The stronger our bodies are and the more energetic we move about will make or break us as we move further into the future. 

Thank you for making it to the end and if you have any questions let me know. 

As surely as I gave effort to work with an exerciser, waste of energy followed; and what astounded me more than anything else, and brought me to a sudden knowledge of the truth, was the fact that any muscle that had appeared, fled as soon as I suspended the use of that particular exerciser. But in spite of this fact, I was reluctant to denounce absolutely the use of apparatus until I conceived the idea of using the mind as an apparatus!!! (p 9 How To Become A Great Athlete)

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