Nerve & Muscle Fitness

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Human Body Work Of Art

The human body is capable of so much more. However, due to the things we’ve been, “Taught” from birth we believe that it’s only now and with all the advances in technology that we’re making progress. I say, “Naw”

All you have to do is send the appropriate signal to stimulate an adaption or to heal/repair….

…the body will do the rest.

  1. The Start Of My Journey

  2. Training Paradigms

  3. Conflicted

  4. The Stimulus (Good & Bad)

  5. A Bridge Not Too Far

The Start Of My Journey

The start of this journey (some of it into pain, I’ll explain later) started well over a decade ago while I was in college. Along with a book I later stumbled upon this video set off light bulbs in my cranial infrastructure. It’s 2.5 minutes long and is of dudes using bodyweight exercises in the hood to great effect. There are many videos similar to this one some with aggressive rap music in the background that I don’t believe is beneficial for our souls lol.

At the time being in a military environment, I was used to doing bodyweight exercises on a daily basis but it never occurred to me that it could be used for muscle or strength.

So with a book I bought, I started putting this stuff into practice, and by the time I left college, I had a medium-sized Batman t-shirt that I could fill out. I could do muscle-ups, pistol squats, and run through a military obstacle course with ease but that was about it. Which is why my training philosophy has changed a bit over time.

Training Paradigms

I’m not the poster boy for putting on mass from bodyweight exercises as I once was but I implore you to do some searching on youtube. There are plenty of everyday dudes and dudettes who are. Gymnasts are also a great example of this but they’ve been involved in this stuff from a young age so they’re kind of special.


One of the things I found the most difficult over the past few years and trying to make it as a personal trainer in a commercial gym is that part of me asks, “Is this even necessary?” For the average person who just wants to become more fit, you don’t need much. If you’re trying to become a bodybuilder or a modern-day strongman you definitely need the gym and weights. But the human body is a fascinating piece of craftsmanship. That’s why I become such a nerd when it comes to “Physical culture” and the training of past armies.

The more I look into this and live it out I question whether training somebody in a gym environment does more harm than good. If they like the feeling of “The Iron” then that’s great but…

  • how many are there because they aren’t aware of any other options?

  • Am I furthering the narrative of the necessity of a gym by being here?

  • Is just personal training, based on where you live, a viable option for income anymore?

These are just some things I’m working through.

Yes, I most certainly can show them some bodyweight progressions but most gyms aren’t suited for that. Talking to someone in a gym about what can be achieved with bodyweight exercises(or other minimalist methods) is akin to talking to a dude in the barber shop about the skills needed to cut one’s own hair. Therefore training someone at a calisthenics park would be more desirable for such purposes.

The Stimulus (Good & Bad)

Human health has always been about stimuli and having an understanding of this now in our modern times is crucial. because back in Hippocrates day all he had to be concerned about was food.

The environment modern man has set up (knowingly or unknowingly) is not conducive to good health.

There is much out there that disrupts us mentally, physically, and spiritually. I no longer buy the established, “The human body is just going out of control.” There’s usually a reason. It’s either in response to something or our framework for looking at a problem is clouded. As long as we are aware of what stimuli to enact, we’ll be largely ok.

A Bridge Not Too Far

Gaining strength and muscle from more minimalist methods is just part of a larger picture for me. Input vs output on our path toward greater health. It’s all connected.

  • More processed food = more terrain damage

  • Less fasting = less bodily repair

  • Less Man-Made Emf = Better sleep and Focus

  • Some beef liver = More nutrients and energy

As long as we get to the roots and change the proper inputs on an individual level the better the future we can create for ourselves and our families.

Thank you for making it to the end and let me know your thoughts below.

Until next time…

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