Nerve & Muscle Fitness

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Joint Angles in Overcoming Isometrics

  1. Isometric Joint Angle Video

  2. Further Explanation

  3. The Shortened/Extended Position.

  4. Wrap Up

Isometric Joint Angle Video

Further Explanation

In the video, I used the regular push-up overcoming isometric(OCI) as an example. But this extends to multiple other OCI postures whether that be pulling, rotating, squatting, bridging, etc.

We need to build strength throughout the entire range of motion but not all joint angles are created equal. The stretched position I like using the most followed by the middle position. This is mainly to benefit my strength and tendon growth. Some studies have shown that utilizing the stretched position of the muscle being worked during OCIs has the greatest carryover across the entire range of motion for any dynamic(moving) exercise.

These positions will be determined by the muscle or muscles you are trying to work. If you want to target the bicep in an OCI Curl then the joint angle will need to be held so that your bicep is in a stretched, middle, and shortened position.

The Shortened/Extended Position.

Based on the video I also like describing the shortened position(of the muscle) as the extended position (of the posture). Although one is maintaining the top portion of the push-up and one is, “Extended” the tricep will be in a more shortened position.

Same with the one-legged squat. At the bottom of the squat, the quad is being stretched while at the top the muscle is shortened but your body as a whole is extended.

The shortened position is good either with the other angles, or sometimes I use it on my rest days to keep my nervous system fresh and activated.

The more coordinated and advanced you become outside of OCIs whether that be

  • Weightlifting

  • Calisthenics

  • Manual Labor

  • Etc

…the more you can fool around with and decrease the number of joint angles you use in your OCI workouts. But for beginners, I strongly recommend shooting for three joint angles per posture.

Wrap Up

I’ll provide plenty of examples in the coming weeks for yall to chew on. Once you start using OCIs regularly all these concepts will become second nature.

Thank you for making it to the end, let me know your thoughts below, and if you found this helpful give it a like.

Until next time…

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