Nerve & Muscle Fitness

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Overcoming Isometrics (Condenser, Amplifier, Energizer)

Work smarter, not harder. Overcoming Isometrics(OCIs) is the best tool for this when it comes to fitness.

  1. Storytime

  2. CAE

  3. CAE Video

  4. Wrap Up


My first unit in the Marines was not a great one. It was referred to by a great number of the officers and senior enlisted as, “The Regime.” The leader affects the culture of whatever unit they control, just like any business.

  • The Battalion Commander - The Battalion

  • The Company Commander - The Company

  • The Platoon Commander - The Platoon

Our battalion commander was an interesting guy. I recall one time there was a drizzle outside and as I was walking into our battalion building he stopped me…

Battalion Commander - “HEY Lieutenant!!!!! Where is your gortex(rain jacket)?!?!?”

Me - *Salutes* It’s in my barracks room sir.

Battalion Commander - *Looks up at the sky and back down at me like I had lost my mind…leaves*

Here I was thinking that Marines are amphibious and not afraid of water….

But we had many sit-down sessions between all of the new lieutenants and this battalion commander.

He would always boast about how much of a hard worker he was and how we need to work hard too.

Him - “When I was a lieutenant I would work all night and sleep a few hours in the platoon building because there was so much work to do!!!”

Me (Internally) - Isn’t that just poor delegation and time management?

Hard work is important. But I would argue that it’s better to work smarter. Especially when resources and time are limited.


I hated acronyms while in the military but here I am coming up with my own…

But if I could give a brief description of what OCIs accomplishes is that it’s a

  • Condenser

  • Amplifier

  • & Energizer

  1. Can we work harder by performing dozens and dozens of reps? Sure

  2. Can we drive to the gym through cars that wreak of weed and hostile Nissan Altimas to walk in the door and get harassed by that black personal trainer with glasses about supplements for the 3rd time that week? Sure?

  3. Can we drink plenty of coffee, tea, and monsters, while getting hyped up on pre-workout to feel more energetic? Absolutely.

But if you train the body by giving it the right inputs, you’ll realize that you won’t need much to accomplish the three points above and all from the comfort of your home.

CAE Video (4 Min)

Wrap Up

OCIs are the base of my training for some of the reasons I talked about above. But there are plenty more which I’ll lay out here.

Upgrade yourself with OCIs.

Thank you for making it to the end and let me know your thoughts below.

Until next time…

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