Overcoming Isometrics And Timing

  1. Intro

  2. Timing Video

  3. Comparison With Other Modalities

  4. Wrap Up


With other forms of training, “Reps” and “Sets” are used to determine the type of adaptation you are trying to signal.

Do you want strength? Well, smaller rep ranges(1-5) with multiple sets(4+) and in between you have long rest periods.

Do you want enough muscle to pull off that Johnny Bravo look? Well you can crank up the reps within each set and even decreasing the number of sets will help as well.

With Overcoming Isometrics(OCIs) it’s the time of generating tension that matters.

Timing Video

Comparison With Other Modalities

As I stated, with other forms of training the tension that your muscles are exerting through the entire range of motion will change and be brief compared to OCIs.

For example, if I’m doing a set of 15 one-legged squats the total time that my quads will be in a high degree of tension will be far less than the time it takes me to complete the set. Usually, reaching 15 reps takes me almost a minute with a regular rep tempo.

A slower rep tempo will mean more time under tension which will extend the time it takes to complete the set. This example can be applied to anything, Barbell Squats, Push-Ups, Shoulder Press, Hamstring curl, etc.

With OCIs, you get to put your muscles through a higher degree of tension in a fraction of the time. Where it takes over a minute of one-legged squats to tire out my legs and I can do in mere seconds with OCIs.

Or, with Bob Hoffman’s training style, you can do just twelve seconds of generating force( against a pin )with a heavy enough weight to replace minutes of repetitions.

Wrap Up

The bottom line is that you save time. These don’t need to replace everything you do but incorporating these a bit into your training will free up time for you to do other things throughout the day.

But, time is nothing without intensity. Which I’ll cover next week.

Thank you for making it to the end and let me know your thoughts.

Until next time…


Intensity In Overcoming Isometrics


Barriers To Entry And New To Working Out