Overcoming Isometrics With A Strap

  1. Intro

  2. Video

  3. Further Explanation

    1. Squat Press

    2. Deep Lunge Press

    3. Straight Leg Pull

    4. Supinated Pull/Press

    5. Elevated Push-up

  4. Wrap Up


Yes, Overcoming Isometrics(OCIs) is to exert force on an immovable/unyielding object. But, when you pair it with a bodyweight movement you have the ability to strengthen the appropriate muscles outside of an endless repetition calisthenics routine.

What you use doesn’t really matter just as long as it doesn’t give way when you exert force.

Using an isometric power rack you use the same concept but with weights.

Overcoming Isometrics Video

Further Explanation

Some pictures in case you need something to analyze without going through the video again.

Squat Press

Like I stated last week with some of the posters, if you don’t have the mobility for the lowest position just stick to the middle and the higher position.

Deep Lunge Press

A regular lunge press like the one seen in the video but will be at ground level (with no elevation). But, for the deep lunge press place the pressing foot and leg on a higher surface.

I’m using a topo chico box here but start off with something small maybe three or 4 inches off the ground and increase the height to get a better range of motion as you become stronger and more mobile.

Straight Leg Pull

This is similar to the low curb leg press only here you can go through a full range of motion with your leg pulling in the forward, middle, and behind position. Wrap the strap around something sturdy so you can exert with all your might and develop hamstrings made of steel.

I have the strap around my heel and if you’re wearing shoes like I am it will make this posture more comfortable.

Supinated Pull/Press

This is not the only posture I try to mimic the straight arm strength seen in gymnastics but it’s still a good one.

Keeping a stretched muscle under tension is the best thing for your joints and muscle growth.

Elevated Push-Press

If you’re not strong with ground-level push-ups, elevated push-presses will provide you with a great path to prepare your pressing muscles for more difficult work. If you wanted to upgrade your one-arm push-ups you could use a one-armed variant of this posture.

Wrap Up

Remember, if you going to employ these types of OCIs, use a variant that’s at or below your current level for the best benefit.

For the next couple of videos, I’ll show yall some examples of what a full workout should look like. Both OCIs by themselves and integrated with Calisthenics.

Thank you for making it to the end and let me know your thoughts below.

Until next time.


Workout Frequency, Energy, and Pre-Workout


Overcoming Isometrics You Can Perform On A Wall