Terrain Theory And Germ Theory, Why Not Both?

I’m not a labcoat I’m just a skeptical veteran with a history degree and a personal training cert with a strong skepticism of those in power.


As I had mentioned before there were things in my life that I had previously believed that now after some digging turned out to be false or a half-truth. One I am currently wrestling through is Germ Theory vs Terrain Theory. These days I try to distance myself from dichotomies as much as I can so I’m not going to pick a side however I believe that one receives more attention than the other which is to everyone’s detriment. 

The debate is over what makes humans sick. Is it microorganisms invading our bodies or is it the toxins in our environment, lifestyles, and food damaging our cells thereby creating adverse reactions?

When the system becomes overloaded with corrupt matter which the purifying organs are unable to eliminate, the average individual, instead of giving these eliminating organs a chance to void these surplus substances, continues to feed the unwilling stomach, and consequently adds just that much to the corrupt condition of the already overloaded organism. (P 93 Macfadden ) 

Do we wear hazmat suits everywhere/coat everything in hand sanitizer, or do we get some Vitamin D,  intermittent fast, and exercise a little bit? Based on the last three years one was heavily emphasized while the other one was swept under the rug. Those who tried to preach the latter were silenced/ had their reach limited even if they were doctors or scientists. 

Heck, based on the past few decades one has been overly emphasized. Now don’t go on misconstruing what I’m saying I still wash my hands and use sanitizer lol. Germ theory I believe still matters to some degree.

History Lesson

The roots of these two sides can be found in history between two individuals, Louie Pasteur, and Antoine Bechamp. 

I’ve known about the concept of Germ v Terrain for a while but I finally decided to buy a book on it. This book covers the history between Pasteur and Bechamp and although I’m still reading through it some things have struck me. 

The first is that it paints this picture of the two gentlemen.

  1. Bechamp, creating/running a quality experiment. A solid example of what a scientist should be.

  2. and Pasteur, coming along and copying it although his version of the experiment is a garbage/mumble rap quality of science experiments. 

The book shows this occurring between the two gentlemen for decades and the latter, Pasteur constantly fumbling. 

“M.Bechamp quoted some experiment (those of the memoir of 1857 - ed) wherein the transformation of cane sugar into grape sugar effected under the influence of the air is always accompanied by moulds. These experiments agree with the results obtained by M. Pasteur, who hastened to acknowledge that the fact put forward by M. Bechamp is one of the most rigid exactness.” (p 81, Reveues des Societes Savantes 1 (1862))

A few times Pasteur had been called out but didn’t change. Even killed large masses of farm animals through his remedies. The difference between the two is that Pasteur had connections which makes sense. What’s that saying…

“It’s not what you know it’s who.”

Having a degree in history as well as spending most of my adult life in the military, I can confirm this is a thing. This is not a perfect world its a fallen and corrupt one. The strength and sound logic of an idea doesn’t make it to the top due to its quality. Most ideas make it out because they have been repeated enough…

Or there’s money behind it. Sometimes, it’s both. 

But the this gentleman(Pasteur) is who gave us germ theory which is heavily emphasized in today’s medical-industrial complex. 

“What a searcher Pasteur was, and yet how little of that fine selfless candour of Socrates or Rabelais is to be found in him. But he is not in any way to be blamed for that, for while Socrates and Rabelais were only looking for truth, Pasteur’s work carried him more and more into the frantic business of saving lives, and in this matter, truth is not the first of importance.”  ( Microbe Hunters, De Kruif, pg 165)

“and in this matter, truth is not the first of importance.

Maneuver Plan 

The reason this stuff concerns me is that working out is just one piece of the puzzle towards health.  

When an athlete can lift a great weight, run a short distance in very " fast time," and perform other wonderful feats, and this great strength is of no aid in resisting disease, he has followed an irrational system of training (p 84 Macfadden )

What also matters is the right food. 

All disease begins in the gut,” - Hippocrates 

“They knew that if strong food was eaten the body could not digest it and thus would bring about pain, sickness and death, whereas the body draws nourishment and thus grows and is healthy from food it is able to digest.” (p 72 Hippocratic Writings)

I never thought seriously about food until late 2019 after I have gotten out of the military. From that point till now has just been a constant revealing of how we are living the Plato’s Cave analogy meaning what’s being presented is not reality. 

We’re being either told outright lies or half-truths. The funny thing is that the corruption of some of our institutions has been documented and studies that run counter to some narratives are in existence but just get swept underneath a rug

Food science and nutrition are one of those things and now I’m more mindful/aware when I shop at the grocery store. 

The foods, or “foods” we eat can either aid in bodily health or subtract from it. The better the food the more our body will have the right terrain. My general rule of thumb is to stay on the outside isles when I go to the grocery store and only go within the isles for a few items like beans. 

You will still get sick. However, you won’t get as sick and your body will recover better. 

Anecdote time

I’ve noticed that the more restaurant food(packed with seed oils) I eat the more I get sick. Also, the peanut M & Ms cause my allergies to go nuclear. 


Fasting for longer than 13 hours has its benefits due to, “Autophagy” Think of it as your body's time to repair itself. It only kicks into effect after a certain period of time. Fasting has been used since the dawn of time either knowingly or unknowingly. It improves longevity so much that scientists are coming up with a drug to mimic it.

Hmm, that’s funny why not just tell people to intermittent fast? Oh, that’s right that won't make them money. 

Getting out in nature 

I try to take a few 12-15 minute walks throughout the day. Mostly for recovery, clearing my mind, and getting some Vitamin D if the sun is out. Vitamin D is important for health and aiding your immune system/terrain. Keep in mind those with darker skin need to be out for a little longer in the sun to get the right amount of Vitamin D. 

Every few days or so I’ll try to go to a park that’s some distance from the main road and walk around for 30 minutes to an hour. This provides a good reset and I’m ready to go back to the concrete jungle.

For some I may be preaching to the choir others will say this is nonsense and that I’m a tinfoil hat reactionary…

Oh well, I’m not expecting society to change. Ideas, if given enough time and momentum are hard to change. But If you’re on the fence give what I’ve said some thought.

Wrap Up

I'm advocating that we each take a more measured and holistic approach to our health.  A terrain theory worldview puts the power and responsibility back in your hands. Germ theory breeds less dependency on one’s self and more dependency on a system. It also breeds finger-pointing. Don’t get me wrong in some ways I’m dependent on things outside myself but discernment needs to be exercised to determine if a system is about the betterment of those who depend on it. 

All in all I wish for people to get outside and walk a little bit more, fast a little bit more, exercise a little bit more, and eat a little bit better.

“Nothing is lost, nothing is created… all is transformed. Nothing is the prey of death. All is the prey of life.” - Antoine Bechamp  


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