Walking And Fat Loss

There is no outdoor exercise superior to walking, if made a pleasure. No intelligent athlete ever trains for a contest, no matter of what nature, in which walking is not a part of his daily exercise. It builds up vital strength, and when accompanied by the use of the upper parts of the muscular system, gives a power of endurance which cannot be acquired in any other way. Nothing can take the place of this as an exercise, and every system of training, if the highest degree of health and strength is desired, must include it.

When walking for exercise do not stroll. Walk swiftly, energetically, with the shoulders well back, the abdomen drawn in. Divert the mind by companionship or interest in those passing; or, better still, seek the country, where Nature can charm you with infinite variety. Make a habit of drawing in full inspirations while walking, thus expanding the chest to its full capacity; hold the breath momentarily, and while flexing the muscles, throw back the shoulders with extra vigor. (p 65 Macfadden’s Physical Training) 

Story Time

For a period of three years, I was blessed to have lived on the island of Okinawa. It’s a prefecture(county) of Japan and is about 400 miles from the mainland.  

I was here as a Marine and I miss this place. It had wonderful scenery and the locals were wonderful people and as long as you spoke some Japanese and showed respect for their culture they would warm up to you.

What I noticed about this place as well as the mainland when I traveled to it once every few months was that walking was a common thing there. In some places here in the states things are spread out so the use of a vehicle is important. But over there most walked to where they are trying to get to or use a train. But even with the use of a train, they are still getting in a significant amount of steps every day. Japan and most Asian countries are known for their long lifespan. Looking at it from a holistic perspective I believe the amount they move around during the day is a contributing factor. But why?


Walking is a very efficient form of locomotion for humans. Although very simple and something we don’t think about it can be a very effective tool in our lives toward better health and fitness. 

Walking a certain amount every day is similar to a calorie-deficient diet. Being in a caloric deficit is one way to shed unneeded body tissue. Speaking from experience as well as looking at a plethora of anecdotes on youtube it definitely works.

One of the reasons is that you don’t need any special gear. Just wear what you are already wearing (within reason) 

and go for a walk outside for a few minutes. It doesn’t have to be long just 30 minutes a day either together or spaced out will provide enough benefits. You also don’t have to warm up as much and it's safer on the joints. Being something that’s not too exhaustive it’s also easier to jump into. Before going on a long run or conducting an intense sprint workout, time and energy will need to be spent on getting ourselves in the right mindset. But with walking, you just get out the door and start moving. In fact, unlike most workouts or fitness activities, you could feel better both during and afterward.

It will also preserve muscle so doing it during a fasted state you don’t have to worry about losing any gains

Calorie Counting 

To shed unwanted tissue there is the option of going into a calorie deficit by calculating how much food you eat each day. This method certainly does work but I believe for most a simplified approach is more efficient. Calorie counting wasn’t a thing of the past and most got what came from the garden or farm and hopefully, it filled you up or kept intense hunger at bay. These days with the lack of movement brought about by our modern lifestyle and processed food we’ve been getting larger.  

Heck, some of the experts are now saying to treat children with obesity we need to resort to surgery.

But in addition to walking, I believe changing the type of calories one consumes to also be of great benefit. Some of the “Ingredients” in our foods are contributing to our weight gain.

I intend to do some more walking, getting away from Frankenstein ingredients, and if there is still no change then hit up the calorie counting. As of now, the first two options are working well for me. 


Things weren’t always this way. Heck, most teens to 50-year-olds are dealing with problems they didn’t have in past decades or centuries.  But in order to fix these problems some have proposed solutions that go after the symptom and ignore the root. The established narrative is that we can overcome or control nature through our superior technology and knowledge. Why don’t we simply resort to the patterns and practices that have worked in the past?

Humans have achieved success in many areas in the past in many fields. But despite these examples, many of us including myself fall short.

I’m not where I want to be in life but by learning from the past and the ways in which people have overcome greater troubles provides me hope and a path. 


Certain ways in which you choose to go about this have added or increased benefits. For example, walking on uneven terrain or going up a steep hill will bode better for shedding unwanted pounds. In addition to this walking with some extra weight or during a fasted state preferably before your first meal of the day will also enhance the shedding. 

But all three…

The minimum amount I walk every day is about 30 minutes. It doesn’t have to be all at once though I believe this will provide a better stimulus for the change I wish to occur. 

Speed is up to up I try to walk at a pace between going for a troll/smelling the flowers and breakneck speed. Just make it intentional that your body should be at a higher temperature when you end from where you started. 


The are two periods when I try to go outside for a walk. The first is in the morning in a fasted state. The second is after one of my bigger meals. I have come to know about this through research on how walking after a meal helps with burning more fat. Turns out this was old knowledge as well. 

A short stroll enjoyed leisurely, any pleasurable, light occupation is of decided benefit immediately after eating, (p 97 Macfadden’s Physical Training) 

It just took science some time to catch up. 

Looking Ahead

Fitness and health are not only what you do but how consistent you are with it. Therefore having something that’s easier to do, requires little equipment, little mental prep, and can be done anywhere will yield the best results in the long run. 

Thank you for making it to the end and if you have any questions feel free to ask.


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