Maxick's Concept Of Energy Creation And Its Relation To Other Modalities

“This was the theory which I determined to put to test. This was the theory which - now no longer was a theory, but a proven thing - led me up from the slough of weakness and impotence to my present enviable condition of health and strength. But it was long before I discovered that by using the Will to control the muscles, not only did I gain development and strength but that I was storing energy. By giving nothing out, I was slowly conserving energy, and as the commerce of the world, interest is given for money, and the more money, the more interest; so, the more energy conserved, the more strength is proportionally attained, and with interest, because it reacts upon itself.” (p 9 Maxick, How to become a great athlete) 

It was around 6 or 7 years ago when I stumbled on Maxick. I enjoy getting into history from time to time as understanding patterns, and human nature, and being motivated by past successes I believe are important. Since I got into progressive calisthenics in college my paradigm as it came to exercise changed and I realized that not everything that’s advertised is beneficial or required. That there can be things more obscure that can be of great aid. That the amount of equipment I need to get strong didn’t need to be as much as I originally thought. So I started digging in the past and after isometric exercises, I found, “Muscle Control.”

Muscle Control is beyond just flexing and posing muscles but about learning to engage the right set of muscles during any movement to exert more strength. One does this by learning to flex a specific muscle whilst decreasing the activation of the surrounding muscles. The surrounding muscles can act as breaks and inhibit one’s strength in certain movements. This is the training principle that Maxick(most likely) discovered and developed. His thoughts on the development and expenditure of energy as it pertains to strength have always stuck with me although I haven’t practiced muscle control on a consistent basis. 

Through overcoming isometric exercise I’ve noticed something similar occurring in regards to Maxick’s talk about energy. Overcoming isometrics don’t have the same energy costs as eccentric or concentric training per the 1924 Wallace Fenn Study but provide substantial strength increases. So workouts using overcoming isometrics or even performed in a circuit-like fashion leaving one dripping in a pool of sweat can leave one feeling more energetic hours afterward as opposed to other exercise modalities.  Over time this lack of energy expenditure with overcoming isometrics along with the rapid strength increases will translate to an individual feeling lighter on their feet. I still perform muscle control from time to time but overcoming isometrics for me seems like an easier/dumbed-down route toward building up this energy.

But what is this, “Energy?” There are some studies that might point to what’s going on.  There was a 2021 study from Japan determined that isometrics improved mitochondrial function in muscles that have a deficiency in dystrophin, a group of proteins that protect and strengthen muscle fibers. Mitochondria generate adenosine triphosphate(ATP) which powers the cells in our bodies and how we live and eat can either improve or damage this. In addition to this, there’s a study that demonstrates isometrics’ ability to reduce reciprocal inhibition which means that when you’re moving or lifting, the right muscles are firing and those that should be in support are not overly active hindering your movement. Which is one of the main things muscle control aims to fix. 

By energy, I’m merely talking about how you feel throughout the day. Do you have pep in your step upon waking or do you need energy drinks, coffee, and black tea throughout the day to maintain productivity?

The improved neuromuscular efficiency and mitochondrial function aid one in becoming a stronger individual. Creating a workout that almost kills you is easy, putting together something that leaves you feeling stronger and more capable week after week takes skill. 

“My thinking on nerve power is that building your nerve power or endurance is the true secret of really getting to be a super athlete. When you train you not only build your body strength, your tendons, ligaments, and muscles, but also your nerve power. So when you’re trained all around all angles you train your nerves and all their crossing routes and the more angles you train the more developed your nerve highways will be and the better your endurance will be all around.” (p 21 Justa, Iron Isometrics)

Thank you for making it to the end and if you have any questions send them my way.


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