How Home Workouts/ Minimalist Fitness Has Aided My Consistency

One of the elements I enjoy the most about Calisthenics as well as Over Coming(OC) Isometrics is the fact that no matter where I am or the environmental factors I can still pursue strength, muscle, and improve my longevity.


In high school, I was involved in a weightlifting class for three years and became troubled when a large holiday/break period was coming up. I didn’t have my own vehicle and there were no gyms within walking or running distance. Therefore, when I would come back to the weight room after a long break my max lifts would take a hit.

When I stumbled on progressive calisthenics in college I was not hindered by any break period and could get in a wonderful full-body workout. Progressive calisthenics is a path in which one modifies basic exercises over time to make them extremely difficult.

On a holiday break period from the Naval Academy, I was spending time with my folks in central Louisiana.  Again, I didn’t have my own vehicle nor was there any gym nearby. But with the tools provided by “Convict Conditioning,” I was not only able to maintain my strength but also improve upon it. At this time I was somewhat proficient with pistol squats and upon return to the academy, I noticed something interesting. At the time I was involved in the Taekwondo club and one’s power in the kick could be measured by the pitch your foot would make upon hitting the pad. With the first few kicks of the pad, I noticed my kicks were significantly stronger. Keep in mind I did not practice any kicks on my time off though I should have. 

With most of my adult life in the military and recently becoming a civilian what has been most evident to me is that life is always fluctuating. I would be going through periods of time where either through energy or time constraints I only had 20 or 30 minutes to get a workout in. Therefore, not just with exercise but anything in life it’s important to find ways to be consistent, and with consistency comes progress. Calisthenics and Overcoming Isometrics will provide some of this consistency in the face of change as long as one lives a disciplined lifestyle.

My System

Here is where this system comes in. I’ve always utilized calisthenics as my main form of exercise for over a decade and my usage of any form of isometrics has been infrequent. Calisthenics has several drawbacks and given that I’m somewhat of a hard gainer not only in muscle but in strength I believe my progress is not where it should be. During these times of doubt, I would shift mainly to overcoming isometric exercises. Overcoming isometrics is either the pressing, pulling, or any way straining against an immovable object for a set time, intensity, and joint angle.

The books that got me into isometric exercise were first John E Peterson’s, “Isometric Power Revolution” Boff Hoffman’s, “Functional Isometric Contraction” and later Steve Justa’s “Iron Isometrics.” What always struck me about isometrics or more specifically overcoming isometrics was the small amount of time required for a workout compared to the benefits. Although anecdotal I noticed energy increases following my workout as what was more long-term was the effects of feeling lighter. Through these methods, I was able to improve upon several of my fitness tests in the military that was more anaerobic/explosive in nature without taking part in much HIIT training. It wasn’t till later in civilian life that I began to apply these two methods together.

It took multiple forms from doing a few sets of calisthenics movements each day followed by full body overcoming isometrics at odd angles to target my weaker links, or full body progressive calisthenics with some isometric work afterward and full body isometric exercise on the days in between but the possibilities are limitless. Right now my bread and butter is a workout where I perform a calisthenics movement and its equivalent overcoming isometric either against an immovable object or using my own body weight in tandem with a strap to strain against.

However, I am sometimes intuitive with my workouts. During these times I basically try to hit all my calisthenics movements in the week and based on how I feel I’ll do two calisthnics movements a day or space them out. I expand on this at a later date ;).

Wrap Up

This system, for those who wish to gain strength and muscle outside of the gym, at home, or while traveling without devoting too much time and energy, would be of great benefit. If you are interested which I hope you are, continue to follow along as I post more on a bi-weekly basis.

Additional Notes: There are a few folks online who have been covering this stuff for a great deal of time many of whom I subscribe to. My intent is to add to their voice in order to empower the average individual to a greater degree. I would have done this earlier but life can be chaotic.

Until Next Time…


The Quality Of Your Muscle Growth